Undercarriage And Tire Service, Special Lift Requirements

After a survey of your common tire centers, you’ll find out that not just any place will do. The RV is tall, long, and heavy.

A common garage door height is 10 ft, and our Ford Transit high-top is 9 ft. 11 in. If you manually lift the rolling door to the max height you can barely get the RV in the building and over the lift

About the lift, a common weight limit is 10,000 lb, our RV is specified at 9,500 lb gross vehicle weight. One auto repair facility had a lift rated at 10,000 lb, but the lift was 25 years old and they did not want to take on the job and risk damaging the lift.

Electronically deployed running boards are another issue, as they can interfere with the lift points. At one location, the manager, even after reviewing his service manual, was uncomfortable with his staff finding the proper lift points.

We ended up finding a location capable of servicing large vehicles. They’re able to service fire trucks and other emergency vehicles by utilizing specialized equipment. Their lift was high capacity, without a overhead superstructure. Often there is a bar that goes across the top of the lift which is approximately 10 ft high, which is clearly an issue with a tall van.

The left in the photos below has two stages, you drive the vehicle on top of the lift to get it off the ground, then the lift has a secondary lift that is positioned to the lift points to actually get the wheels off of the lower lift for servicing.

Unless you’re lucky, you’re probably not going to spend $5 per wheel for a rotation, it’ll cost more like $25 per wheel.

One more thing, when rotating the tires, don’t forget to ensure that the tire pressures are adjusted, as there’s a great difference between 55 lb for the front tires, and 80 lb for the back tires.

Carlito’s Tires
2100 N Forsyth Rd, Orlando, FL 32807