Black Canyon North Rim Campground

It is a bit out of the way, but this campground is worth the effort. The North Rim campground sites are offered on a first-come first-serve basis.

From the campsites there is a well marked short trail that will take you to the edge of the canyon. The canyon is said to be 2200 feet deep, 1100 feet across at the top and as narrow as 40 feet across at the bottom. The path of the river through the canyon was set about 15,000,000 years ago.

Painted Wall

The Painted Wall is given it’s lighter-colored pattern from pegmite, formed from the crystallizing magma fluid.

Camping next to me was a young couple of North Carolina who was preparing to climb the walls of the canyon the next day. We share a beer, chicken kababs and a bit of music before visiting the canyon rim at sun set. I had just been there 90 minutes prior and did not see what looked like ants, a pair of climbers half way up the wall. They would not make it to the top before dark and would have to find a ledge to sleep on for the night.

Getting There