Ely, BWCAW and Fall Lake Campground

Fall Lake Campground is part of the Superior National Forest. National Park Service senior members can stay for $21 a night with electrical hookups.

Fall Lake is part of a chain of lakes that go well into Canada. 1/4 mile from here is the BWCAW, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. You fill out a free permit for access to the BWCAW

I’m camping at Fall Lake, near Ely Minnesota. From here you can canoe well into Canada via the million+ acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW).

Walking distance from my site is the boat launch where a dozen or so groups/families were loading their canoes with fishing and camping gear to use one of the dozens of designated camp sites on the lakes and islands.

Just 15 minutes from Fall Lake is the town of Ely. The locals pronounce it E-Lee. It is a small tourest town loaded with outfitters, shops, restaurants and pubs. Canoeing and kayaking is big in the summer, along with ATV trail riding and snowmobiling in the winter.

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